Sunday, April 21, 2013

Big Fella emerges from hibernation

Although the a.m. started with a few snow flurries, the afternoon was perfect for some cutting.  Our big saw, inactive for five months, started up without a problem.  He quickly went to work.  PeeWee is still in hibernation.  

The wood cut today, maple, birch, and oak, came from the cutting done last fall before the power lines were put in.  These trees were cut to roughly 4' lengths for us.  We loaded them into a really handy sawbuck that facilitated quick cutting of several pieces.

We wanted to keep you updated on our turkey invasion.  A flock of ten was seen walking down the driveway on Friday.  Here are four of them.  Two others were west of the house this afternoon.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Thankful for a turkey

We've heard turkeys around, and seen some in the woods.  This big one walked by the north side of the house yesterday.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Lazy Sunday

Some people we know in southerly climates have turned their air conditioners on already.  In Northern New Hampshire, however, the season many know as "Spring" is called "Still Wintah."  A cold and wet April has limited our outside work time.  So, we decided to get another break-in fire going.  The kitty, always loving the wood heat, has set the tone for the day.

Since our kindling and wood outside has been rather wet lately, the fourth break-in fire is using Bio Bricks for our main heat source.  The Jotul F370 is rated to use these interesting items, which are made of compressed wood pieces.  They make use of byproducts that would otherwise be wasted, and do great in our stove.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Inauguration of stove with birch bark

The day started by gathering one of nature's greatest fire starters:  birch bark.  We have plenty!

The stove requires a break-in period to help the iron get used to thermal expansion.  Today, the top plate only got to  250 degrees.  We'll go to 350 tomorrow.

When harvesting birch bark, never take it off the tree.  This can harm the tree.  There's plenty of bark around just from old stumps and on the ground.

While out harvesting bark, this frozen stream caught our eye.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Nature's April Fool's joke

Mother Nature still says winter.  A bit more snow last evening! This picture looks up the hill just beyond our driveway into evening's fading light.  We don't have to climb that hill, fortunately.