Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Some pictures from Littleton's Harvest Festival, which took place on Saturday:

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Cold temps are creeping in!

This morning we woke to near 20 degree temps and a heavy coating of frost on the back deck.

  Surprising that our wildflowers are still hanging in there!

Thermometer in the screened in porch around 6am today:

Sunday, in 50 degree temps with a nice breeze, we moved the logs below from up on the hill.  They are from the original cut done before the house was built to facilitate solar energy production.  The freshly split wood (about 1/2 cord - 4x4x4) was also split -- great weather for working on the wood pile!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Firewood and foliage

We did a lot of red maple log cutting today.  This will be future firewood after further cutting and splitting.  This is what a bunch of butchered logs look like.  We likely won't need to burn this for a few seasons.

Some trees are clinging to leaves.  This has prolonged the fall foliage season in certain spots.  Below are colors from a young oak, as well as mature maple and birch.

Daytime highs in the 60s, with lows in the 40s.  They'll be getting colder soon!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Mr. Shaggy

I don't think we'll make it a habit to name individual trees, but this yellow birch has been dubbed "Mr. Shaggy."  Got to love that bark!

Here are three extra recent pictures, including tonight's sunset.  Peak foliage is gone, with lots of trees having no leaves left.