Monday, March 24, 2014

Marking One Year!

Time sure has flown by this past year. It is hard to believe that we moved in on March 23, 2013!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Last log of winter

Another 6 inches of snow fell on the last morning of winter, then we had another inch during the day, then more on the first night of spring.  It's going to be a while before all of our snow melts.

Because the cold is holding on, we'll still be having plenty more fires.  However, yesterday the last piece of firewood of winter was photographed just before going in the stove.  We thought some red oak would be appropriate, since it's such a great wood for burning.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Survived another storm

The big storm gave us about 20 inches of snow.  March has been very cold, even for us.  Of the 18 mornings so far, a dozen or more have had lows below zero.  The first three pics below are near the house, with the second showing the tractor in action again.

Our solar panels cleared off soon after the storm, thanks to some roof raking.  We had lots of sun yesterday, with another clear day today.

We had so much snow, our neighbor used his big tractor for clearing the driveway.  This week's sun will help clear some of the residual snow from the travel area.
Spring arrives Thursday afternoon, but it looks like well into April before we'll have enough cleared ground to fire up the brush cutter and chainsaws.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Old Man Win-tah won't die!

As spring nears, we're getting a major winter snowstorm.  We might get two feet before this monster event wraps up tomorrow afternoon.  The tractor has been getting a great work out!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Sun here, snow to the south

As much of the nation struggles with a snow storm, Northern New Hamsphire was basking in some great sunshine.   We produced 33.59 kilowatt/hours from the solar panels today.  Our meter was really moving backwards.  This was the most solar production we had since September 6.  This was also a special day because we surpassed 4 megawatt/hours of production since our installation on May 15.  That's 4,000 total kilowatt/hours!  Thank you, oh brilliant yellow orb!!!!