Saturday, January 31, 2015

Depth of winter

We've received about 15 inches of snow since Tuesday. More in the forecast for Monday. The tractor did some great work this week to get us plowed out and sanded. Here's the entrance to Hardwood Hermitage after the latest round of winterization.
Our wood supply remains excellent, even after our cold spells this winter. Here's a picture of some future biomass heat, slated to be part of the 2016-17 burning season.
We had a great solar day on Monday, then nothing to end out the month. Temps tomorrow morning could hit 20 below. Hunkered down and with a fire roaring, we don't seem to mind!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A fox hunts on cold morning

We were below zero again this morning. A fox was out hunting in the early light. It covered a lot of ground, and even pounched on the snow a few times, trying to find breakfast.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

In praise of wood heat

The wood stove has come through again. Today is the coldest day since last February. We were at about 20 below zero before sunrise. Most of the wood we're burning today is paper birch that was split more than two years ago. Does it take off when placed on a nice bed of coals!