Tuesday, October 27, 2015

When moose get the munchies

During a trip with the brush cutter this morning, some tree damage was seen down the frosty slope. A moose, or possibly a bear, broke a young paper birch, then munched on the buds of the main trunk. On the other side of the trail, bark was stripped off a tree, another sign of a hungry moose.
The birch should be OK -- notice the second, smaller trunk that was untouched by Bullwinkle. The red maple, a favorite browse species for critters, won't be hurt by the munching, but perhaps by the small chainsaw in our quest for a never-ending kindling supply.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

A golden forest floor

Freshly fallen maple and birch leaves displayed a golden coating on the forest floor during a walk this morning.
Some snow fell overnight. A mum near the garage still held a bit white stuff while receiving mid-morning sun.

Friday, October 16, 2015

A birch grove in October

Peak foliage has passed, and Friday was gloomy with some rain. But a birch grove always looks nice and shiny.
Shade tolerant sugar maple gets boxed in sometimes, but this one, aglow with mid-October burnt orange, lets the softwoods know who rules the neighborhood.
Trees need not be mighty in stature to enjoy treasured status on Hardwood Hermitage. This baby bur oak, growing about an inch a year for now, may be alive -- and much bigger -- in 500 years.
Lest the paper birches get jealous of another oak picture, here are more visions of our state tree.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Empire of Wood

Wood everywhere! We've made lots of progress on the cutting and splitting from the August tree work. And we kicked off the 2015-16 burning season on Friday. Another nice fire going now. Solar news remains good. We logged our first ever October day of 30 kw/hrs of produced energy today. Here are some recent photos of our Empire of Wood.