Sunday, December 20, 2015

Some doomed snow falls

We received two inches of snow yesterday, the first time this season we've had more than a dusting. We'll have very mild temps later in the week, with some rain, so this won't last. But it's pretty for a short time, especially on outside seasonal decorations. The second photo shows a wreath made by a neighbor using some barbed wire!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

More red maple casualties

Continued thinning of red maple stump sprouts took place today. Note the young paper birches in the background of the first two pictures and the downed red maple that will provide the birch, which are to the north, more shade. Again, we'll lop the red maple for future kindling. Also, a broken larger red maple was taken down as well. Some of those bigger pieces can be seen in the third picture.