Sunday, October 23, 2016

First snow

We received two inches of snow overnight.  This was the tail end of a big rain storm that started on Friday afternoon.  Here are three pics from a short walk this a.m. in the windy cold.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Sugar Maple: Star of the foliage show

A grand species any time of year, sugar maple really stands out in October.  The burnt orange contrasts so beautifully with the yellows and reds throughout the forest.

And, of course, the state tree gets to take a bow this month, as well.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Follow the Yellow Birch Road

Paths of gold always appear this time of year, thanks often times to yellow birches shedding leaves.  They were falling so fast yesterday it sounded like rain, even with blue sky in abundance.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Color really filling in now

This red maple looks spectacular every year at this time.

Striped maple likes to turn yellow each October.

Many paper birches still have a fair amount of green leaves, but they are much more yellow than just a few days ago.  Here are two young ones getting into the spirit of the season.

And baby red oaks, which might still be alive in 400 years, are never in a hurry to do anything, including change color.  Just a bit of red on those so far, if they want to change at all yet.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Autumn backyard

Enjoy autumn in the backyard of Hardwood Hermitage!

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Color season so far

Red maples and white ashes are the main trees to turn so far.  Birches, sugar maples, and red oaks will start the annual color show in earnest soon, with oaks the last to go.

This red maple is near the house

These two younger red maples are showing the variety of color the species displays in October.

One of our great ashes has lost many leaves already

Another red maple not far from the house, perhaps the best of the species on Hardwood Hermitage, has a crown looking truly grand against the totally clear sky.