Monday, July 31, 2017

Another great solar July

July is the month that makes the solar panels most happy.  Since sunrise on Friday, we've produced 140 kilowatt/hours.  The five Julys with panels have accounted for 16 percent of the system's total production, more than 4,000 kilowatt/hours.  We've had six months that have topped 800 kilowatt/hours of production, with three of those months being July.

When not shooting excess solar back to the grid, the sun's energy is burned in the house for a variety of activities.  Here's a pic of yesterday's solar-fired bread:  Parmesan Pine Nut.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Berry picking has begun

The raspberry season started a bit later than last year, most likely because we haven't had nearly the amount of full sunshine enjoyed in 2016.  But two quick walks this morning retrieved our first berries of 2017. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

More red maple ready

Pictured below is one of the three buckets of the red maple tree bowsawed down earlier this month.  The wood was split yesterday.

The three buckets were dumped onto an ever growing pile of bigger wood getting ready for the saw buck.  After cutting the longer lengths in half, the wood will be stacked, then it has to wait.  None of this will need to burn for more than a year.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Recent wood work

The current state of the two red maples downed last week on the south hill.  We split all of this on July 4. 

A pile of future firewood near the woodsheds.