Monday, November 27, 2017

Helping hands

Neighborly work has been happening on the hill.  In appreciation for some of our labor, a neighbor gave us a bit of the wood we helped cut.  Also, he took his big excavator through his field to the Jut.  A very large Hardwood Hermitage red maple took a dive during a wind storm.  Or, a half dive.  The tree was leaning against another tree, so the best way to take that down was with really heavy equipment.  Cutting the maple while at that angle was simply too hazardous.

Two lengths of the tree, each about 15 feet long, now rest near the Jut in our neighbor's field.
The crown of the tree remains in the Jut.  There's plenty of good wood that will be cut here. After processing, this 2019-20 firewood will come home in several pickup loads.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Late season brush cutting

The blade may be getting dull, but the brush cutter still has lots of power.  Work in the second half of autumn has several advantages:  More visible ground and a lot less sweat.  The FS131 continues its first year of work on the hill, doing a great job.

Balsam fir is a frequent victim of the FS131.  These two, surrounding a baby paper birch, were promptly dispatched shortly after this photo was taken.

And a young red oak, much easier to spot in November compared to summer's dense weeds, benefited from some cutting of surrounding junk.  Then the deformed but awesome tree enjoyed afternoon sun.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Mid-Fall snowfall

A few flakes fell last night after rain and a lightning show.  Here are the first snowy pics of the season.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Chowdah for suppah

Wood-fired corn and red pepper chowder is being heated on the Norwegian cooker.