Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Happy "Still Win-tah"

Ah, spring.  Or as the season is known in northern NH, "Still Win-tah."

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

3rd Nor'easter of March

The last Nor'easter only gave us about 3 inches, but this one more than made up for it.  Various weather site predictions were 8-12" and well, we ended up with just about 15" and a light snow is still falling so could get another inch or so.

Shortly after the following photos were taken, the snow on the roofs started to slide off which is infinitely easier than roof raking!!

Looking down the driveway (south)

to the North

We won't be sitting on the deck anytime soon!!!

Monday, March 5, 2018

Sappy spring pole

Like sugar maple, red maple flows with sap in late winter.  A red maple spring pole was leaking quite a bit when being cut today.  The first pic shows the bent tree near the point of the final break, followed by the nearly downed tree, which is still leaning slightly on another red maple.

A big storm of wet snow will start on Wednesday.  We might get a foot, followed by 40 degree days.  It's the third wacky winter month in a row.