Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Snowy November trend continues

Five more inches of snow since yesterday morning! This November is the most snowy in the history of Hardwood Hermitage! After clearing the driveway and around the house, here are a few pics of the REALLY white scene on the hill, due to the wet snow sticking to trees.  The first pic shows our ash storage cans.  You can tell which one houses the ashes just removed from the stove!

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Monday, November 19, 2018

More than a foot

Mid-November isn't usually this snowy.  We had a foot fall last week, so that makes 15" for the season so far.

A deer wandered near the house the other day.

Here are some recent white pics from the woods.  The third one below shows a big hophornbeam, which a fave red oak walking stick is resting against.

A trip to Conway and Tamworth yesterday provided some images of Crawford Notch, 25 to 30 miles southeast of here.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Wood-fired stew

Green chili chicken stew on the "Norwegian Cooker," the first wood-fired meal of the season.