Sunday, January 27, 2019

Wacky winter

Weather pattern in January:  Really cold, thaw with more than an inch of rain, really cold, sunny and above freezing, snow squalls, then lots of sun.  Some snow expected this p.m. after a sunny start.  Then a bigger storm with several inches Tuesday into Wednesday expected. 

The winter forest remains grand every day, whatever the temps.  You'll just have to rely on older pics for that, since today is too windy and cold for a walk!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Wood bag

One humble wood bag does so much for Hardwood Hermitage.  With subzero temps expected starting tomorrow night, we'll bring in and burn three bags of wood a day.  We're at a spot where nearly all pieces will be paper birch for several days.  That's some great burning!  Stay warm!

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Sun and snow

Four inches of snow fell overnight.  On a walk in brilliant sunshine yesterday afternoon, this picture was taken.  The spot is a favorite on the property, with many young oaks enjoying the sunshine.  The hills of Vermont are visible in the distance.  The flat ground in the right center of the picture is in NH.