Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Processing black cherry log

Work continues on a large black cherry log taken down about a month ago.  The tree had been dying back for a while.  It's only about 250 feet from the house, so this is a relatively easy batch of firewood.  Here are two photos, the first of which shows the log after some initial cutting.  The second pic displays the outcome of about 25 minutes of splitting the bigger pieces.  After going up the hill, some of the log will still need to be split.  Then, the final two steps are cutting each piece in half, then stacking as part of the 2020-2021 heating season.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Berries looking great

Raspberries are at their peak a bit late, but they are looking wonderful.  Some blackberries also coming in, with a bumper crop expected.  The land and woods just never keep from giving around here.

This batch was picked in 45 minutes this morning, without being more than 100 feet from the house.