Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Work in full swing

A former spring pole got closer to becoming firewood this a.m. after cutting.  When stood up to prepare for splitting, the tops of the white ash wood became very shiny in the wonderful sunshine.  A great aspect of the work today was the rescue of an oak that was presumed crushed by the falling spring pole, which was taken down over the winter.  The young tree can be seen near the middle of the picture.  The spring pole had the tree nearly horizontal.  Never give up on an oak!!!

Gathering birch bark will replace what was used last burning season.  The very sharp knife, pointing into an old log near the middle of the picture, helps remove the flammable bark.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Splitting in earnest

Several splitting operations have been successfully completed this month, even with two inches of snow over the last two weeks.  Another wintry storm is expected overnight into Monday.  Perhaps two more inches!

But the splitting must go on.  Here are a few pictures after today's work.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Video of seasonal stream

Thanks to about an inch of rain yesterday and the prodigious snow melt, many seasonal streams are racing down the north hill this morning.  Here's a 10-second video of one.  Volume included, in case you wish to turn on speakers!

Friday, April 10, 2020

Happy Snow Day!

Four inches fell starting yesterday afternoon.  All will be melted by Tuesday, maybe even Monday.  This might be the last blast of white for the forest until November.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Signs of spring

Popularly known as "Still Win-tah" up here, the season most call Spring still leaves obvious signs in the woods.  Like, brush cutter carnage . . .

And the start of our splitting year . . .

And lots of mud . . .