Monday, September 28, 2020

Color before rain

With wind and a few inches of rain predicted for later this week, the peak color season may end today.  Here are a few pictures from an afternoon walk.  The first features two great red maples, with yellow birch, red maple, and striped maple in the second photo.  The final picture is dominated by the bright crowns of a white ash and double-trunked yellow birch.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Very vibrant colors

Trees have really been turning over the last few days.  Very warm temps may make the trees wonder if they should've ditched the green so quickly, but the beauty cannot be denied.  This much color at an early date is quite rare, and the quality of the hues are likely unmatched in the nine full seasons spent here.

Today's featured picture is a wonderful rainbow.  The photo was taken on the west side of the year's finest raspberry patch.  Now the area glows with a wondrous variety of autumn beauty.

Alas, the forest means work, even during the most spectacular season.  Ten, yes TEN, birch bark bags had a long journey this morning from the northeast reaches of the property.  The future fire starting material now basks in the nearly 80 degrees of late September!

Friday, September 18, 2020

Colors of late summer

Many of the orange, red, and yellow colors people see during autumn start to show up in northern New Hampshire in the waning days of summer.  Shortly after sunrise this a.m., a white ash was showing its major head start on most other trees.

Although sugar maple crowns won't be orange for a bit, the pumpkin pictured last week has completely turned from its original green.  A buddy is in the photo, as well, with more orange on tap over the next few days.

Two more examples of harvest happiness are pictured on the tractor's ballast box, which serves as a planter and vegetable stand now.  The sander remains on the tractor all year.  Spaghetti squash and watermelon also came out of the garden recently.  

Friday, September 11, 2020

Signs of autumn

With a pleasant coolness to the air and some leaves turning, signs of autumn are growing every day.  Mums and a pumpkin, the first ever from the neighbor's garden, prove the season is here (even if officially still 10 days away).  Another pumpkin, much larger than the one pictured, also grew this year.