Sunday, January 31, 2021

Sunny before storm

We appear destined for several inches of snow on Tuesday.  The wonderful sun today took quite a while to warm things to about 20 degrees.  The morning low stood at minus 19.

During an afternoon walk, a snow covered, spring poled apple, doomed to the chainsaw later this year, leans into a neighborhood dominated by young birches.

After curving on the big loop trail back toward home, a wonderful collection of yellow birch stood not seeming to mind another cold day.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Curved Oak

Although snowbound for what will likely be months, Curved Oak Trail still functions, as this up close picture of the namesake tree proves.  Snow has stuck to the western side of the trunk thanks to winds from yesterday.  With many winter gales in the past and perhaps 250 more years left, the resolute red oak has much to endure.  Better than any other species in northern New England, the oak will do just fine against whatever nature can dish out.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Holiday storm

We received six inches of snow across the holiday weekend.  The forecasted accumulation of Saturday did not happen, but Sunday and this morning made up for lost time.  We are still a bit under 30 inches for the season.  Temps will be seasonably cold for the second half of January, and a bit more snow is projected for this week.

The really battered, still living red oak doesn't seem to care.  Some wet snow was seen sticking to the damaged yet beautiful tree this afternoon.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Better with birches

Whether it's the most perfect day imaginable, or a dreary January afternoon with a very grey sky, any moment is better with birches.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Year's first oak rescue

A before/after duo shows evidence of the lopping and bow sawing that occurred in the early afternoon today.  The red oak on the left gained sunlight after a few paper birches and one conifer were taken down. The red maple stump sprout in the center of the picture has been wounded a bit by the pole saw.  The entire clump will go this spring with the little chainsaw.  The oak is deformed somewhat, likely due to the twisting the tree attempted to find more sun. But any fan of this blog knows, "Never give up on an oak."

About 300 feet to the west, a group of young paper birches basked in the most sun we've had in quite some time.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year

 A marvelous 2021 to all from the Great North Woods of New Hampshire!