Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Let the work begin!

Three brush cutter tanks burned so far this year. Today, in very lovely cool weather with good sun, the first firewood project of the year started thanks to the small chainsaw. Two spring-poled trunks of red maple, dropped with the bowsaw over the winter, were cut into 22" pieces. Fifteen of the lengths were then moved close to the house with a wheelbarrow. That's about half of the biomass from today's cutting. Let the work begin!!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Happy Spring!

We've made it through nine winters on Hardwood Hermitage! Spring always starts with snow still on the ground. Thankfully, there's plenty of vertical white every day of the year.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Nicest day of the year

Full sun today with the high surpassing 60 degrees. This before/after shows some melting that took place in a bit less than 12 hours.

This a.m.

Early evening

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Minus to start March

The morning low dipped a bit below zero to start March. February offered wacky weather, including thaws into the mid-50s, followed by very rapid drops in temperature. Spring beings in three weeks. Daylight becomes evident before 6 a.m. now, with a nice sunrise over the mountains about 50 minutes later.