Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Early autumn update

Fall weather means more harvesting! Some beautiful squash came up the hill yesterday from the neighborhood garden. Butternut is the fave here, but they're all wonderful.

This a.m., some forest thinning with the bowsaw netted nice wood that will be added to the cutting pile including the big birch taken down in early September. Both chainsaws will roar soon!

Sunday, September 4, 2022

End of an old friend

One of the property's best paper birches had been showing signs of dieback in recent years. Additional crown death became evident this year, so a tank in each chainsaw started the process of turning the great tree into firewood. Hopefully the morning stays dry tomorrow, but splitting might not begin until Tuesday. Here are two pictures from the morning's action. It's a bummer to see the end of such a beautiful tree, but the wood will warm the house for a cold winter month, likely more than two years from now.