Friday, October 28, 2022

Frosty start

Balmy conditions have prevailed through much of October. Temp exceeded 60 degrees at dawn on Wednesday. Colder weather has moved in, as this frosty picture shows. The wood in the foreground, mainly red maple thinned to help out some oaks and sugar maples, is set for cutting this weekend, which will be quite sunny and pleasantly cool.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Minus 5.56

The title of today's post does not relate to a low temperature, at least not yet. Rather, -5.56 is the average daily electricity usage in kilowatt/hours for the house since the installation of our first solar meter on May 20, 2013. We're producing nearly 20 percent more electricity than using on an average day, thanks to the sun!

October days are filled with work and color. Who needs the leaves to change, when such a great carrot harvest can be dug up (a few radishes, too)

Even with many leaves down, there's still lovely color above!

Friday, October 7, 2022

Good as gold

Grand any day of the year, yellow birch stands good as gold in October especially.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Pure poetry

 Every October walk brings pure poetry.