Friday, March 31, 2023

Winter holds on

With a temp of about 20 degrees this a.m., snow clings to an old rock. Warmth, rain, and wind will wither the snow later this weekend. We will have a lot of bare ground in a few days.


Monday, March 20, 2023

Winter sunrise, spring sunset

The last sunrise of winter appeared through the east screen in the kitchen this morning.

A few moments ago, the first sunset of spring occurred. We've made it through ten winters at Hardwood Hermitage! We will gain 4+ hours of daylight by the time summer starts!

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Snow removal

A small storm arrived Thursday, with eight more inches of snow yesterday. That makes 10 inches recently, giving us a bit more than 50 inches for the season. Here is a before-after duo of pictures from the south side of the house to document snow removal work this a.m. The pictures don't look too different, but a lot of snow is gone in the bottom picture!