Friday, May 26, 2023

Processing a big red maple

The first big tree job of the season began yesterday with the dropping of a large red maple on the hill above the house. This morning, we split 14 large pieces bucked yesterday after the felling. The coolness bringing frost today (the latest we've ever had), sunshine, and fog coming from the river (the third picture), made for a memorable work session. There's still much work to do, including the cutting of some of the trunk.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Hill-grown supper

A meatloaf from a hill-grown cow and parsnips also from the neighborhood made for a fine meal today!

Friday, May 5, 2023

Moving to shed

An annual ritual has moved along in earnest in recent days. With the snow blower long ago put away, the tractor bucket goes into service to move wood from the big pile the pool cover protects during winter. The first photo shows the diminishing pile, followed by a look at the shed. We think it's all going to fit!

Note the wonderful boxes of kindling on the shelf of the shed. Filled with the necessary fire-starting material, all of which was cut last year, none of it will burn until next season, and perhaps the one after that for some of the boxes!