Sunday, October 29, 2023

Another before/after

An hour of work this morning led to a very notable change to the area of the big triple trunk dropped a month ago. We split and moved wood before snow started falling (no accumulation, but the flakes were huge!). The first picture is a bit blurry due to the low light.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Working around rain

The weekend washout kept us from working on the big firewood project on Saturday and Sunday. But we cut a lot on Friday, then did some splitting and other wood work today.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Friday, October 6, 2023

Sawbuck Friday

Summer-like warmth and no precipitation created some great opportunities to process firewood from the big cutting work late last month. This morning, we cut many split, 22" pieces in the sawbuck, then did a lot of stacking. Many days of work ahead, but we're doing just fine. A before/after duo appears below. The stacks of 22" pieces turned into sawdust and a higher pallet pile in an hour and 45 minutes.