Thursday, September 5, 2024

Red, White, and Purple

Potatoes of three different colors came out of the ground yesterday morning: Red, White, and Purple.

In other harvesting news, a fine berry season wrapped up recently. Nearly 90 cups, with most being blackberries. The 20 cups of raspberries were the most fabulous ever here!

This morning, we thinned some white ash to help out red oak and yellow birch youngsters. One red oak leans heavily west, but next year will start to grow an eastern crown, which was 100% shaded prior to the morning work.

Sunday, August 18, 2024


Both saws did some nice work yesterday morning. We cut, stacked -- and even did a small amount of splitting-- of a collection of generally smaller wood which had been adding up since last autumn. Much of the paper birch fell to help sugar maples and oaks enjoy more sun. This kindling and some larger wood will sit for well over a year before burning. Here are before/after pictures of the glorious effort.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Harvest goodies prior to processing

Six cups of blackberries about to begin transformation to blackberry jam.

These cut cucumbers will become either pickles or a nice salad with onions.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Harvest day

In addition to 3 1/2 cups of berries from the woods, some lovely vegetables were harvested at the neighborhood garden today. Here are a cabbage, some onions and three cucumbers.

For the berries, 1 1/2 cups of raspberries were picked, along with a cup each of blueberries and blackberries. They've looked really good this year, even with all the rain.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Picture for the season

Mid-July means raspberries! These beauties, one cup of fruit, were picked this morning, the second small harvest so far. More berries are coming in throughout the forest. It's a berry nice time of year, except for the humidity, quite high for about two weeks! Relief arrives soon, thankfully.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Kale and radishes

The raised garden bed has produced many great radishes this summah, as well as huge leaves of kale. This picture shows this morning's harvest.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Recent forest work

Thanks to a variety of tools and carrying of downed biomass, some future firewood and kindling has been stacked near the house. Axe work this morning, a very beautiful day after lots of weekend rain, added to this nice pile.

Thinning constitutes important work in the forest as an effort to improve chances for survival of other trees. Yet, so many places will remain untouched, like this fine birch grove.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Natural color

Late spring means daisies and lupine!! Cloudy and rainy lately, but our seasonal flowers have been really pretty this year!

Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Light of June

The month with the most daylight started with plenty of it! A completely blue sky has dominated the day, although the low temp at the house belies the brightness. We were 42 degrees, with the temp down the hill perhaps 36. Daylights started a bit after 4 a.m. There will be a hint left at 9:30 p.m. What a fine day to be a solar panel!

Friday, May 17, 2024

Gardening update

Old boards were removed from the east garden bed recently. Today a new raised garden bed was installed on the spot! Some old biomass was tossed in. Compost and soil will then fill in the 8' x 4' space. 

 The old asparagus bed has produced quite nicely this spring. Here is today's harvest.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Light and shadow

Trees grant a great opportunity to stand in awe of nature. This huge sugar maple, near the northern lot line, somehow found the strength to start growing on a cold slope many, many years ago. This morning, with the temp way downhill at about 25 degrees, the buds in the crown undoubtedly relished some of the day's first solar rays. Light gives life. Soon the tree with be bursting with new leaves, which will give energy to this majestic being, a glorious ambassador for trees, the most amazing living things on the hill. 


Monday, April 8, 2024

Total eclipse of the Hermitage

Hardwood Hermitage had about 30 seconds of totality in today's eclipse. It was a very memorable event shared with many people living on the hill. Appropriate snacks were ready, such as raisins, Sun Chips, Moon Pies, and Eclipse gum.

For more than two hours, the moon covered part of the sun. Totality took place at 3:29 pm. Birds were chirping wildly with the onset of what they thought was early sunset. We did not get totally dark, but the shadowy look created an eerie feeling for a few minutes. Here is the house and telescope very close to the moment of totality, although a bit blurry.

Proof of the short blockage of the sun can be seen in the chart of the day's solar production. We had almost a totally cloudless sky for the whole day, but the nosedive in solar energy took place as totality arrived.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Winter has sprung???!!!

Sixteen inches -- 30 percent of our snow for the season -- has fallen since the new season began. Yesterday's storm dropped more than a foot. HAPPY SPRING!!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

March rollercoaster

We had bare ground for a few days, then three inches of snow arrived early this week. This white stuff will be gone soon, because tomorrow will include sun and a high of 50+ degrees. Sun came out today, too, but the winter feel remains due to a cold wind. March always brings a rollercoaster of weather.

While walking today, some great birch scenes became evident thanks to the clear skies.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Big temp drop

In a period from Wednesday evening through most of Thursday, the hill experienced what was most likely the highest average wind speed in history across 18 hours. The temperature dropped 45 degrees in nine hours, but the woods stood up to the storm quite well. Walks over the previous two mornings showed many lovely scenes with very minimal storm damage. 

This huge yellow birch welcomed the rising sun yesterday morning. The temp was four degrees.

Bobcats/lynx don't mind the cold. When you see prints like this, you know you have wild felines in your woods.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Diagonal pine goes horizontal

That heavy snow early in the season gave a 30-degree lean to some pines. This one dropped thanks to  axe work this morning. It was a tough job, but the work season has just begun.

Friday, February 9, 2024

Shiny winter work

February has included a nice amount of sun, a rare winter treat. Axe work across a few days brought many scenes of birches shining in the bright light.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Roasted squash

The beginnings of Cheesy Butternut Squash Cavatappi Bake, thanks to a gourd provided by a neighbor. They grow amazingly beautiful squash!

Friday, January 12, 2024

Wacky winter returns

Heavy, wet snow with wind followed by 40+ degrees and lots of rain? That's winter in northern NH? This year such a pattern looks to continue tonight and tomorrow. Our latest wind storm dropped several trees, but left no serious damage to treasured oaks, birches, or sugar maples. The young oak in the photo below dodged a major hit from a falling red maple. The oak only lost a small branch low on the trunk.

Softwoods fared even worse in the last wind, which topped 50 miles an hour.