Sunday, March 24, 2024

Winter has sprung???!!!

Sixteen inches -- 30 percent of our snow for the season -- has fallen since the new season began. Yesterday's storm dropped more than a foot. HAPPY SPRING!!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

March rollercoaster

We had bare ground for a few days, then three inches of snow arrived early this week. This white stuff will be gone soon, because tomorrow will include sun and a high of 50+ degrees. Sun came out today, too, but the winter feel remains due to a cold wind. March always brings a rollercoaster of weather.

While walking today, some great birch scenes became evident thanks to the clear skies.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Big temp drop

In a period from Wednesday evening through most of Thursday, the hill experienced what was most likely the highest average wind speed in history across 18 hours. The temperature dropped 45 degrees in nine hours, but the woods stood up to the storm quite well. Walks over the previous two mornings showed many lovely scenes with very minimal storm damage. 

This huge yellow birch welcomed the rising sun yesterday morning. The temp was four degrees.

Bobcats/lynx don't mind the cold. When you see prints like this, you know you have wild felines in your woods.