Monday, February 24, 2025

Grabbing the sun

This baby birch seemed so ready for spring this afternoon! It's trying to grab the sun! Temps reached 40 for the first time in quite a while today. Cold has plenty of time to return, but the sun looks great.

In another interesting sight today, these old apple trunks retained a snowy top, looking like a double ice cream cone.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Snowy and cold

We've received more than two feet of snow in February, with low temps regularly at or near zero. Two sunny days (although with highs still well below the freezing point) led to some nice snow clearing work to widen the cleared width of the driveway or move lots of white stuff away from the frost walls. Happy Win-tah!!!

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Long way to growing season

Based on frost and freeze data, our growing season lasts 148 days a year on average. As obvious from the raised garden bed, we're quite distant from Day One.