Wednesday, December 12, 2012

House progress and a wonderful view

Roofing was placed on the garage today.  The two north windows in the garage were also installed, as the first photo shows.  Progress has been made on the screened-in patio frame.  On the inside, the electrical work continues.  The electrician said he used over 500 feet of wire just between the breaker box and the kitchen! Kitchens need lots of outlets.

Oh, there are trees and great views up here, right? Here's proof.  Nothing in the picture below is on our property, but I was standing on Hardwood Hermitage when the shot was taken.  I was at the higher part of our eastern lot line.  There's a portion of a really big oak on the left of the photo.  Too bad the acorn didn't fall a foot to the west.  It would have been ours!  The main part of the picture looks toward the Kilkenny Range. Wow, it's great to live in the North Country!

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