Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Bear family visit

Today was quite exciting!  Mid-afternoon, i heard a little bump outside and looked up to see a black bear looking into the screened in porch!    Upon closer examination and a few photos later, i saw Mama bear and 3 other siblings!!!  We knew there was a bear on the property but had no idea it was a family of 4!!  WOW!  Even Miss Peaches caught a glimpse of them out of the window.

So here is the first "cub" up by the back deck:

Another cub munches on grasses (will have to inspect to be sure they aren't eating certain trees!)

Here is Mama bear (top) and another cub:

Here is a shot of the entire family before they headed off to the North (the 4th bear looks like a little black blob in the upper right above the bear with its arm up):

So... we  have confirmed sightings of bear, turkey, porcupine, etc..... next up....hopefully we'll see the Moose!!

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