Sunday, July 21, 2013

A wicked Friday night

We had another summer storm.  This one lasted about 10 minutes, but it knocked out our power for 22 hours, and some trees were blown over.  We think this might have been a microburst -- intense wind for just a few minutes.  The storm's power was amazing!

Some double-trunked red maples fell in the storm.  This large tree was rather lovely.  The full crown would have been a bright red this fall.  This tree may be a whole winter's worth of firewood, looking on the bright side.

Here's the root ball of that tree, lifted out of the ground by the short, powerful wind.  This is about 12 feet in diameter.  Another red maple fell on the driveway.

Several white pines fell, too.  I think nature used the storm to mock us.  Several pines are now blocking cleared walking paths.  Lots of work to make the paths, just a second to block them again.  We'll get the saws out, though, to make short work of these weak softwoods.

Two maples broken on our south hill.

Oaks are prized for many reasons.  We like their very hard wood and deep taproot, which make them much more resistant to storm damage than most trees. You can see a tall and unfazed red oak on the left, with a wonderful rounded crown.  On the right, a broken red maple.

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