Thursday, August 22, 2013

Various Ramblings

We've been spending weekends and a few mornings here and there, picking berries, getting the garages organized, working on firewood (a perpetual task!) and getting ready for our first winter in the house.  We are in really good shape wood-wise (will post some updated photos and measurements soon).  Berry season was decent (not as many as we had hoped), but we still managed to pick enough to give some to one of our neighbors on 2 occasions (they have brought us squash and cucumbers from their garden).

The driveway will soon have its final grading and layers of gravel applied.

The next big event will be delivery of our new tractor!!!  We ordered it last weekend and hope to have it by next week sometime!  Will definitely post photos and specs.

Our solar electricity generation has been fantastic this month and we have exceeded 2 MegaWattHours since going live in May.

CO2 Emission Saved:  3,242.02 lb
Equivalent Trees Planted:
Light Bulbs Powered:
6,468.24 For a day

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