Saturday, January 4, 2014

21 below!

It might not be a record, however it sure is cold outside!!!  We, however, are nice and toasty inside - the wood stove is roaring as the sun creeps over the hill.  Our firewood supply is still in great shape even though usage has been steady with a fire in the early morning and another in the evening.

We have a beautiful winter wonderland all around us.  Critter tracks (bobcat, raccoon, deer, moose, turkey, porcupine, squirrel, mouse) can be seen crisscrossing the driveway, near the house and down on the trails on the flat terrace just below the house.  Sooner or later we'll see that moose!!!!

Although the tractor was a bit stubborn to start the other day, and has thrown a couple of shear pins (this happens when ice or rocks are pulled into the snow blower), it has performed beautifully clearing the area in front of the garages, the driveway and the part of the road that is not maintained by the Town.  Most likely, our neighbor, who is in his late 60's/early 70's and drives an older model rear-wheel drive car (think older person, 4 door 'boat' or 'tank' like vehicle) appreciates that we have cleared the street from his driveway to the paved part (we have to do that in order to get to the paved part ourselves).

Miss Peaches quickly figured out that even the screened in porch is not a place she wants to go with the cold temps we have here.  She seems very content to sleep on the hearth rug (when we aren't loading wood), or nearby in a chair.

Warmer temps are on tap for later today (high of 18 above zero) and then tomorrow it might even get to 30!!  yahoo!!!!

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