Thursday, October 30, 2014

Cloudy brush cutting

The sun decided to start its winter hibernation a bit early. We've had a rather cloudy October. Solar production will be over 100 kw/hrs less than last October. We got a few breaks of sun today. Regardless of our level of sunlight, the brush cutter can do its job. This photo shows a typical spot for some good work. There are a lot of young hardwoods and conifers in this photo. Much of this will have to go for the good of the desirable trees. All of the green here, which is balsam fir, will get wacked. Even some of the hardwoods, including a few paper birch, will go. Mother Nature allows way more trees to grow in cleared areas than can survive while also not creating too much competition among saplings. With fewer youngsters in a given area, the survivors will grow faster. Note the paper birch on the right side of the photo. It has already transitioned to the mature shiny white peeling bark. Most others in the picture are still have the brownish hue of their first few years.
Yellow birch takes on so many interesting shapes. This tree decided to create four trunks from the stout single trunk attached to the ground. A great many yellow birch are present in this area of the property.

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