Thursday, April 2, 2015

This is April????

Another walk on the snow this morning. Doesn't really look like April, does it? The snow is still about 18 inches deep in many places. The brush cutter's winter break might extend into May. Oh well. There's plenty of interesting things to see. Many critters have been out lately, based on the fresh bobcat and turkey tracks seen. And woods with snow just seem so lovely.
Even though the brush cutter gets a few more weeks off, this pic is an example of some of the work that will be done. Paper birches and sugar maples will benefit from wacking several red maple stump sprouts.
Chaos rules a forest. Nature's winds and ice an create damage, especially during a longer than usual cold season. This red maple took a dive about 100 feet from The Jut. We'll likely take a trip with the saw(s) and process this for firewood -- EVENTUALLY!

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