Monday, March 21, 2016

Technically it is Spring, but in reality it is still Wintah!!!!

We started Spring off with 40kwh of solar production -- marking the first time we have had 40kwhs 2 days in a row! This makes us net-zero for the preceeding 5 weeks!!! ROCK OUT!!! The first day of Spring also marked the first day of chain saw work -- cut down a bending yellow birch, a small (ugly) black spruce, and cut up another black spruce tree that we'd cut down last year. This "cleans up" the terrace a bit. Our "river" is waffling between being liquid and ice --
Ice crystals still remained early Sunday on a little patch behind the wood shed on the south hill:
Two weeks ago, this creature and several of its pals stopped by for a quick snack. One was within a few feet of the screened in porch.

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