Tuesday, January 31, 2017

A good solar January

As the sun set on the last day of January, we have positive news on the solar front.  We almost had the best production for January ever.  There is a bit of snow on the panels that blocked some energy on a very sunny January 31.  If the snow wasn't there today, we could have surpassed the January record.  But we'll take the more than 95 kilowatt/hours for the month, just under 20 more than last January.  We hope to at least match the production of all last year, about as many kilowatt hours as we could possibly hope for!  The system now accounts for just under 80 percent of the house's electricity use since the May 2013 installation.  By the end of September, we should have that number back up above 85 percent.

May both Hardwood Hermitage and you see many sunny days in 2017.

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