Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Survived the big storm

Spring arrives on Monday morning, but for this Ides of March, we had to move a bunch of snow.  The big coastal storm brought us about one foot of new white!

When nearly done with the clearing, we lost the chain that makes the snowblower do its thing.  We used shovels to move some of the snow away from the front of the garages.  We were able to make the driveway and road passable prior to the chain problem. 

About two cords of next season's firewood still sits covered by a tarp (and a bunch of snow, of course) on the north side of the main garage.  Lots of time in the woods planned for when the snow finally goes away.  We won't have any trouble replacing this season's wood that continues to do a great job heating the house.  The main thermostat was 81 degrees at 10 a.m. this morning.

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