Monday, April 3, 2017

Sun and a spring pole

We surpassed 50 degrees on a perfectly clear day.  The panels produced more than 40 kw/hrs of electricity today.

Out in the woods, a really big red maple spring pole succumbed to the bow saw.  The bending tree seemed quite ominous before the work began.

The side of the tree with the bend (the right side of the trunk in the pic below) receives a small cut, followed by some intense cutting on the other side.  The energy in the bend from the weight of the tree causes the second cut to grow as the tree leans toward the fall.

After the big break, the impressive amount of big wood and kindling is shown.  We will start about a week of mid-winter fires with the kindling on this monstrous spring pole.  Although a few small paper birches were lost in this operation, many more young ones will benefit from the extra sunlight the downed red maple will no longer block.

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