Monday, February 26, 2018

Three more aspen casualties

What a beautiful late winter day.  High in the 40s, with lots of good sun.

The bow saw did some quick work this afternoon.  Three more quaking aspen were dropped.  These low-quality trees seem to be in the way of much nicer trees so often, but there are considerably less aspen on the property now than compared to five years ago.  With a fast burn and limited heating value, aspen isn't worth much in the stove.  Nonetheless, pieces cut from these and other aspen to be taken down in this lovely hardwood grove will become stove fodder.

Here's a before picture of today's cutting . . .

With the after pic showing where two of the aspen stood moments before.  When the smaller chainsaw goes to work, the trees will be cut into 22" lengths, followed by the cutting of the portion of the trunks still attached to the ground.

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