Thursday, July 5, 2018

Escaping the Heat Wave!

We spent Monday and Tuesday in Augusta, Maine as a way to escape the heat wave that had settled over us.  It was notably cooler (at least until mid-day Tuesday when it seems that the heat wave had moved east).  In addition to spending time in the Maine State Archives doing some Civil War research, we toured the Maine State House.

where we saw their collection of Civil War flags and a portrait of Joshua Chamberlain, who had served in the Civil War then went on to be Governor of Maine (1867-1871).  He was the President of Bowdoin College (1871-1883), and also received the Congressional Medal of Honor in 1893.

Before the heat set in, a quick walk was taken through part of a local arboretum -- lovely hosta garden along the path.  
A festive outdoor seating area in nearby Halowell gave visitors a close-up of the Kennebec river.

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