Sunday, February 17, 2019

Future forest management

Two months or more may pass before chainsaws start working in the woods.  But a winter walk is a great time to plan.  Here's a small patch of ground where some cutting can take place to assist preferred species.

In this first picture, the red maple and pin cherry in the front block sun the yellow birch in back could be receiving.  The two trees slated to go also shade a few other trees.

The red maple stump sprout dominating the center of this picture hurts the young double-trunk sugar maple to the left, as well as a red oak bending south due to the crowded conditions.  Each of the red maple stumps are a goner.  It's difficult to take out a red oak, but maybe the sugar maples should get the benefit of less competition?

A bigger red oak, which can barely be seen in the middle of this picture, has lots of green trouble in this photo.  The numerous conifers surrounding the oak seem to be all balsam fir.  The brush cutter should be able to cut down all the bothersome fir.  The bigger trees behind the oak are to the north, so they won't block the sun.

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