Monday, November 4, 2019

Autumn windstorm

As happens several times a year, winds whipped across the hill late last week, with some tree casualties (softwoods, as expected) throughout the property.

This double-trunked fir almost took out a young oak as the wind ripped the root ball out of the ground.  Loppers were used to get rid of the fir branches suddenly in the oak's way.  The young survivor will benefit greatly because the fir created a lot of shade.  This is located in "The Jut" on the east side of the parcel.

A pine, about 70 feet tall, also took a dive in the recent winds, another big root ball that couldn't stay grounded.  The top few feet of the pine was across one of the walking trails until cut with the bowsaw.  Another oak, perhaps 12 feet tall, stands to the left of the photo, gaining sunlight thanks to the storm.

With most remaining leaves on the ground now after the windy days, things are settling down with the drop in temperatures.  Even as color season ends and lows below freezing are common, scenes are rather inviting.

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