Friday, June 12, 2020

Forest management tank

In the wonderful a.m. sun today, hard work was performed to help the forest.  Some thinning time with the small saw will give more sun to some oaks and birches.

The idea of eliminating trees to help other trees seems bizarre.  But the science does not lie.  Giving more sun to some trees means less competition and a healthier neighborhood of trees.

Because the work was so close to the house, the cut wood has almost totally been marched up for cutting and stacking.  No point in wasting it.

For the paper birch fans out there, don't worry about the amount of that beautiful species taken down.  Several other birches will benefit from the thinning.  Here are pics of the future firewood from today's project.

After the main work was done today, the paper birch pole at the start of the driveway was replaced.  Five years is a long time for the wet wood to endure.  The old pole was about to fall apart.  Now the new one shines beautifully!

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