Sunday, January 13, 2013

Interior update

Here are two photos we weren't able to post last week because of technical issues.  

The black tubing is for radiant floor heat.  This area was insulated last week.  R30 is the value for the floor insulation.

Warmer temps onsite today.  This created lots of fog thanks to the snow melt.  The hill can be foggy in any season, but this was the thickest we've seen.


  1. Jan and Darrin, your house is really taking shape! I love to follow your progress online. The views you shared look so peaceful. I can't wait to see how the interior design pulls together and follow your progress as spring approaches and flowers and trees are in full bloom. I'm sure it will look gorgeous.

    Hope you had a nice holiday season and 2013 is off to a great start!

    -Steph Dorn

    1. Happy New Year Steph!! We are hoping to be no more than 6-8 weeks from moving into the house -- can't believe how fast it is going!!! It has definitely been a new experience for me with below zero temps; something i am not used to! All is good - just crazy busy with work and all the little details as the house nears completion.

      take care!
