Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sheet rocking and siding

The inside of the house has been sheet rocked.  The first photo looks toward the dining room and kitchen.

Here's a look at the master shower (left) and toilet areas.  The shower will be tiled all the way to the ceiling with 18 inch tiles that match the 12 inch floor and hearth tiles.  We decided to do a rain water shower head.  It will be about 2 feet from the ceiling, which puts it at about 7 feet from the tiled shower floor.

Despite the snow and wind/wintry conditions, the crew started framing the tractor garage late last week (far right).  Note the siding that was placed on the main garage last week.  The unfortunate guys responsible for the framing will be working in subzero weather for most of this coming week.  Tuesday's low may hit negative 20.

Our neighbor has done a nice job with the plowing and sanding of the driveway, as you can see.  

Up next:  Tiling and painting.  

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