Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Quercus Macrocarpa

There were no bur oaks (quercus macrocarpa) on the property a year ago.  Now there are! After getting some acorns in the mail, planting took place last fall.  A few of the young ones are now above ground and looking good.

So fragile they are now, but bur oak is one of the hardiest of all trees.  It tolerates harsh cold and winds as well as intense sun and drought.  This rugged gem of a species was a must to plant on the property.  No place called Hardwood Hermitage could go without some bur oaks.

Here's a pic of one of our new seedlings. Bur oak is on the white oak side of the oak family.  These long-lived trees could last 400 years or more.  Let's hope they prosper!

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