Monday, June 10, 2013

We're still here!

Lots of activity over the last two weeks, just no blog posts.  Here are some pictures and some text to get you up to date:

The construction crew has been finishing up.  We have our permanent landing at the main entry.  It's twice the width of the temporary steps.  Also note the front door painting.  The screened-in porch in the back isn't quite done yet.

We had a big wind storm just over a week ago.  Some conifers were blown over.  This one was ours.  About 500 feet from the house, it fell mostly on a neighboring property.  The shallow roots were simply torn out of the ground.

Another small conifer, which had germinated on moss over a big rock, took a dive onto the driveway.  We were going to take this one down anyway, so thank you, Mother Nature.  Note the really cool rock underneath.

A neighbor's red maple fell in the storm.  The top ended up blocking our driveway.  We cut several branches up yesterday.  We'll burn this, but not until the 2014-15 burning season.

Wood cutting for trees taken down last year on our hill continues.  We broke in a new small saw (PeeWee has been retired) by cutting up some maple and birch yesterday.

Little things still make the property grand.  Like a small blue bird against the clear sky:

Or, a stellar, quadruple-trunked hophornbeam:

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