Sunday, August 6, 2017

A roaring weekend

Lots and lots of chainsaw time this weekend as wood near the house was processed.  This post includes six pictures, four before pics, and two taken after this weekend's work.  Much progress, especially today with low humidity and very pleasant temps.

The first three pics show three separate piles of wood prior to any cutting.


Here's the after picture of the three piles in one photo.  Notice all the sawdust! A great deal of cutting took place on each of the piles, with a fair amount of stacking done (the beginnings of the new stack of cut firewood is in the middle background).

The next two pictures are of the same stack of wood cut from a neighbor's property.  We helped him clear trees along a rock wall that will be removed to expand a hay field.  We get to keep most of the wood, but some will go back to the neighbor after we process it for him.  The after picture still shows a lot of wood in the pile, but we cut many pieces into burnable lengths.

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