Sunday, August 20, 2017

Nearing 9 cords

Our goal at the start of each burning season is to have 9 cords of wood split and stacked in our various storage locations.  With another round of cutting, splitting, and stacking this weekend, we're almost there.  Nine cords is enough to heat the house for two years.  Here are pics taken after this morning's latest efforts.  The first picture shows a close up shot of some split black cherry, a very pretty wood.

Kindling we use to get fires started does not count toward the nine cord goal.  All of the small stuff in the front of this picture will help the stove get going, but not until 2019, most likely.  We already have way more kindling ready to burn than we'll use this looming burning season.

The work never ends, as attested by piles of some wood yet to be cut or split.

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