Friday, October 13, 2017

Disappointing can still be spectacular

No foliage season in northern New Hampshire can be called ugly.  Even this year's disappointing results have much eye candy to enjoy.  Warm weather in the second half of September disrupted nature's regular process.  The color is very inconsistent, even at this relatively late stage.  Some trees turned like normal, then quickly lost leaves.  Others, including many birches, have not turned much at all.  Nonetheless, highlights from a walk this morning are certainly worth sharing.  Enjoy the spectacular, yet disappointing, show.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jan, just sent you a text but think I hit the wrong place. Not so good with electronics!! Loved the pics. What a beautiful place you live in. Can't believe what a beautiful place you live in. Sounds like you both stay quite busy. How did you do all this before you retired?
    We would love to see you and if you ever decide to head south we would love for you to stay with us. Take care and keep in touch. My email address is
    Love you, Deidra
