Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Wind creates work

Wind storms rule the hill.  We had major gusts Sunday night and most of Monday.  The forest damage was relatively minor, but every major wind event seems to bring trail clearing work.

A neighbor's paper birch took a dive, with about 30 feet of the tree falling onto our lot and across a major walking trail.

The falling birch didn't damage anything, but nearby, a large pine broken in the wind took out an eight-foot oak -- a very sad event.  The pine also destroyed a few small birches.  This big tree is another one we'll cut out of a walking trail.

More baby birches took major damage from a dead tree that couldn't stand up to the wind.
Even with the losses, life goes on in the woods.  And, we never worry about a birch shortage!  Look at how lovely they are soaking up October's last sunrise for another year!


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