Monday, January 29, 2018

A weird January

This month has been very weird.  January started with wickedly cold temps.  We've had a few thaws since.  The solar panels are producing lots of energy, for January anyway, because the snow melted away.  There's still plenty of snow in the woods, but not enough to keep the bowsaw in hibernation.  On a walk today, the splendid tool took down two quaking aspen, which will be cut with the smaller chainsaw this spring.  Here are some pics from today.

The two trees are relatively small, but we'll get some kindling and bigger wood from the work. 

The cut tree is still standing in the second picture, after falling onto other trees.  The chainsaw will bring the rest of the tree down.  A hardwood grove, with two fewer aspen, is benefiting from the thinning.  Preferable species look and grow better when not crowded out by the ugly aspen.

Human critters aren't the only animals busy in the woods.  A large balsam fir near the downed aspen received a recent visit from what was most likely a hungry woodpecker.

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